Peer2Peer Tutoring FAQs
What is the role of a tutor?
Tutors are able to assist students with classwork by explaining concepts and providing suggestions for effective ways to learn subject-specific material. Tutors are not a substitute for attending class and are not instructors, however, they are students who have shown a high level of understanding in the areas they tutor. Tutors are available to help you better understand information from your courses, not to complete your assignments for you or provide you with answers to specific homework problems.
How do you decide what courses to offer tutoring in?
Courses offered through Peer2Peer tutoring have high rates of drop, failure, or withdrawal.
Who are the Peer2Peer Tutors?
Peer2Peer Tutors are current TCU students who have made a B+ or above in the courses they tutor for and have been recommended by TCU faculty who teach the subject area they tutor for. Peer2Peer Tutors attend a 10-hour training required by our certifying body, the College Reading & Learning Association.
Who is eligible to use Peer2Peer Tutoring?
Peer2Peer Tutoring is available to all TCU undergraduate students for courses in which they are currently enrolled.
How much does Peer2Peer Tutoring cost?
All tutoring services provided by Peer2Peer are at no additional cost to students.
When can I get tutored?
Tutoring is available six days a week. Sessions are scheduled Monday through Thursday from12 p.m. to 8 p.m., Fridays from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., and Sundays from noon-8 p.m. and are held primarily in-person in the Student Success Center (Samuelson 001, west entrance near the post office/Colby cut-through, not the regular residence hall entrances).
Where are tutoring sessions held?
Tutoring sessions are primarily held primarily in-person in the Student Success Center (Samuelson 001, west entrance near the post office/Colby cut-through, not the regular residence hall entrances)… Students will receive an email confirmation prior to their appointment. Exceptions to this primary location can be found in the confirmation email received after booking, please check carefully. Virtual sessions are not offered.
What time should I arrive for my tutoring appointment?
Please arrive a few minutes before your session starts to make sure your appointment begins on time. If you’re running late for your appointment, please email or call 817-257-8345. When you arrive for your appointment, be proactive and speak to the person at the reception desk if available, or seek out your tutoring room/tutor by walking around the suite and checking the names on the doors. You may also pop into any of the offices of professional staff members if you cannot find your room/tutor. Failure to make your presence known as someone with a tutoring appointment might result in a shorter or missed appointment.
How far in advance do I need to cancel my appointment?
Students are able to cancel right before a scheduled appointment; however, we prefer that you cancel at least 24 hours in advance so other students have the opportunity to make an appointment. You will receive a link to cancel or reschedule your appointment in your confirmation email. If you cannot find that link you can email or call 817-257-8345.
How many appointments can I reserve at one time?
Students may schedule no more than one tutoring appointment per subject per day.
What happens if I don’t cancel and don’t show up for my appointment?
It will be noted in our appointment tracking system that you were a “no-show” for your appointment. If you fail to show up for several appointments and do not cancel them properly, your future appointments may be canceled and you will need to meet with a Peer2Peer staff member before resuming your use of Peer2Peer Tutoring. Remember, if you book an appointment and don’t show up for it, then that takes away the opportunity for someone else to attend that appointment and benefit from tutoring.
What if I’m late for my appointment?
If you are more than 10 minutes late with no communication with Peer2Peer staff, you will be entered as a no-show and your tutor may be reassigned.
How much time do I get with my tutor?
When scheduling an appointment, students may choose a length of either 30 or 45 minutes per session.
How can I prepare for my tutoring session?
♦ Share the specific concepts you would like to work on when you schedule your appointment so that your assigned tutor can best prepare to assist you.
♦ Come to your appointment prepared by going over the information you wish to discuss, bringing all of your course materials, and arriving on time.
♦ Remember your tutor is a student, not an instructor. There may be concepts that your tutor is not as familiar with and they may not always know the answers to all of your questions. They are prepared for this possibility and will try their best to help you find the explanation you need.
How do I become a tutor?
Tutors can either apply via our online application or be recommended by a faculty member. The tutoring application will open mid-semester during both fall and spring and will be available on our website.
2024-2025 Tutor Application
Applications for Fall 2024 are now closed. To be considered for future applications, please complete our Tutor Interest Form.
If you have other questions, email
Peer2Peer Tutoring is a joint initiative between the Provost’s Office and the Office of Student Success. Peer2Peer Tutors are trained according to the College Reading & Learning Association International Tutor Training Program and will receive a certification upon completion of training. Tutors are paid $15.00 per hour and are typically assigned 2 to 8 hours per week, depending upon their schedule and the needs of the program. Tutoring is offered for high-demand classes with higher drop/withdrawal/failure rates. Subject areas we currently offer tutoring in are:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Math
- Nursing
Complete the Tutor Interest Form to be added to our mailing list and receive notification when the application opens.
If you have other questions, email